Chotomy is a development consultancy.

It is the evolution of the passion shared by the partners of Shook Kelley for convening people and the complex lives they live in meaningful places supporting great public life. Not familiar with the legacy of Shook Kelley? Click here.

The simple truth is that creating great places–ones that are focused on the common good–is a difficult task. Simply put, the development world is largely focused upon returns on financial capital, and not returns on human experience and social equity.

So historically, there has been a gap between the reality of commerce and the expectations of people for the public world they inhabit. This is one reason why there are so few great neighborhoods and public spaces built in our time. It takes a special real estate developer to see the value, to close the gap.

Chotomy operates by filling “the gap” between the aspirations of towns, cities, non-profits, churches, community-minded landowners and the strict confines of the real estate development world.

Chotomy does this not by ignoring the realities of the contemporary real estate world, but by leveraging them for a different outcome, for the common good.

Want to know more?

Contact us.